
Stretching massage is a manipulative therapy inspired by Shiatsu or Thai massage, consisting of mobilizations and body tractions that stretch different parts of the recipient's body. This type of massage releases tensions in the myofascial planes through gentle and warm elongation. Additionally, it improves the elasticity and flexibility of the muscular system.

Who is Stretching massage recommended for?

Stretching massage can be performed on anyone since each individual stretches only as far as they are able to without exceeding their limits or experiencing pain.

Benefits of Stretching massage

Stretching provides both immediate and long-term benefits. Its practice promotes physical relaxation, eliminates muscle stiffness, immobility, or rigidity, reduces fatigue and heaviness, increasing the sensation of lightness, and helps correct postural defects.

Are all individuals suitable for Stretching massage?

Despite all its advantages, it is important to consider that for health reasons, individuals experiencing any of the following symptoms should refrain from receiving a massage:

  • Suffer from vascular diseases such as thrombophlebitis.
  • Have undergone delicate spinal or back surgery.
  • Have any type of skin condition such as dermatitis, open wounds, fractures, fissures, or hemorrhagic diseases.


Stretching 60 mins 90 mins
Individual 125.000 173.000
For couples (back to back) 230.000 325.000
For couples (simultaneous) 242.000 335.000
Package of 5 massages 594.000 822.000
Package of 10 massages 1'125.000 1'557.000
Package of 15 massages 1'613.000 2'232.000
Prices included within the free coverage area

What is included in a Stretching massage?

The Stretching includes a massage table, oil, and music.

Available in:

Bogotá and Medellín.


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    Number of people

    Service *


    Therapy Length

    What therapy length would you want?

    Esthetic *

    Tantra therapy *

    Combos, couples and packages*

    Tipo de terapias *

    Which type of massage and duration do you want for massage 1?

    Which type of massage and duration do you want for massage 2?

    How many massages do you want for the package?

    Which and how many masssages do you want of each type? (Select depending on the options available on the group you selected)

    Hotel/building name and address

    # Room, Apartment or house

    Preferred gender of the therapist

    Payment method *

    Is there anything else we should know or you want to ask?

    Your Name *

    WhatsApp/Phone (don’t forget the country code)
