Sports Massage

Sports massage consists of a set of massage techniques aimed at preparing the tissues for future exertion, preventing future injuries, recovering from injuries, and improving the condition of the muscle tissues after a major competition.It is a combination of a relaxing massage with hot volcanic stones. This therapy involves a slightly higher pressure than a regular relaxing massage, allowing the muscles to unwind and achieve a deeper state of relaxation due to the temperature difference between the environment, the stones, and the body. Additionally, it provides pain relief while producing a pleasurable sensation through the warmth and touch of the stones.

Who is Sports massage recommended for?

It is intended to prepare athletes for competition, assist in their recovery after intense exertion, or aid in the recovery of damaged tissues.

Benefits of Sports massage

Increased blood circulation, resulting in enhanced energy enrichment.

Increased internal muscle temperature and improved viscoelastic properties of the muscle tissue and connective tissue, including fascia, aponeurosis, and tendons, ensuring an appropriate contractile response and tension.

Is Sports massage suitable for everyone?

People who are not suitable for sports massage include:

  • Those with high blood pressure.
  • Individuals with vascular conditions such as deep vein thrombosis or phlebitis.
  • Those with highly sensitive skin prone to irritations or allergies.
  • People experiencing rapid heart rate.
  • Those with fever.
  • Individuals who are experiencing vomiting.
  • People with neoplasms.
  • Individuals with unhealed fractures.


Sports Massage 60 mins 90 mins 120 mins
Individual 152.000 204.500 257.000
For couples (back to back) 267.000 372.000 477.000
For couples (simultaneous) 294.900 396.800 498.600
Package x5 722.000 971.400 1'220.800
Package x10 1'368.000 1'840.500 2'313.000
Package x15 1'938.000 2'607.400 3'276.800
*Prices included within the free coverage area

What is included in a Sports massage?

The Sports massage includes a massage table, oil, and music.

Available in:

Bogotá, Medellín, Barranquilla, and Bucaramanga.


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    Service *


    Therapy Length

    What therapy length would you want?

    Esthetic *

    Tantra therapy *

    Combos, couples and packages*

    Tipo de terapias *

    Which type of massage and duration do you want for massage 1?

    Which type of massage and duration do you want for massage 2?

    How many massages do you want for the package?

    Which and how many masssages do you want of each type? (Select depending on the options available on the group you selected)

    Hotel/building name and address

    # Room, Apartment or house

    Preferred gender of the therapist

    Payment method *

    Is there anything else we should know or you want to ask?

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    WhatsApp/Phone (don’t forget the country code)
